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Preferences - Interface


This lets you set interface settings for Lotto Sorcerer.

How to Invoke

Mac OS X: Use the menu item "Lotto Sorcerer > Lotto Sorcerer Preferences" , then choose the "Interface" tab.
Windows: Use the menu item "File > Lotto Sorcerer Preferences" , then choose the "Interface" tab.

Basic Procedure

Window Controls

"Hide Wheels" checkbox

If checked, wheels will not appear in the Generate Suggestions dropdown menu in the Projection Parameters tab in the Main Window.

"Sort Data Entry" checkbox

If checked, this will automatically sort numbers you enter into the database (where appropriate). The effects only standard and keno lotteries and lotteries with bonus or extra numbers (although the bonus or extra numbers will not be sorted).

"Remember Window Size/Position" checkbox

If checked, the Main Window of Lotto Sorcerer will remember the last size and position (on the screen) which it was last set to.

"Hide Minor Informative Alerts" checkbox

Checking this will prevent minor informative alerts (for example, "the information has been copied to your system clipboard") from appearing.

"Internet Alert" checkbox

If this is checked, a message box will remind you to connect to the Internet before continuing. If you have an "always on" Internet connection (DSL, cable, etc.), you should uncheck this box.

"Remote Database" dropdown menu

This preference lets you choose which remote database to use. The default is "Primary" . If the mirrored remote database is unavailable, a second choice, "Mirror" , can be chosen.

The remote database is used by Lotto Sorcerer for updating drawings; checking for program updates; checking subscription status; downloading prior drawings; and installing new lotteries via the Lottery Setup Wizard. If any of these services encounter a problem they will automatically switch to the alternate database.

Default File Location

This dropdown menu selector lets you choose where the Open and Save file dialogs will default to. You have your choice between your Desktop, your Documents Folder or any custom location. For maximum functionality, we strongly recommend you keep it on the default setting ( "Documents Folder" ).